Basic Brewing Radio™ 2005

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December 29, 2005 - Vienna Lagers
We talk to Chris Colby of Brew Your Own magazine about Vienna Lagers, a style favored south of the border. Chris takes us through the style and how to make great Vienna lagers at home.

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December 22, 2005 - A Look at Homebrew Clubs
Brian Ellis from Houston, Texas joins us to talk about his homebrew club - the KGB (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers). The KGB has a membership of about 150 and sponsors a big annual homebrewing competition called "The Big Batch Brew Bash."

iTunes | Streaming mp3

December 15, 2005 - Tasty Experiments and Wish Lists

It's a podcast of experiments! We produce our first video/audio simulcast test as we taste the results of the small extract batch hopping experiment, and we taste the same recipe produced with process variations. Also, we check in with listeners to hear what they have on their brewing wish lists.

Video version: Right-click (or control-click on Macs) on the links below and save them to your hard drive. This will save on bandwidth and keep you from having to wait to download more than once. You may have to install QuickTime to see them.

320x240 Optimized for Video iPod or computer viewing (106 MB)
160x120 Smaller version (42 MB)
iTunes | Streaming mp3

December 8, 2005 - "Blind Mice" Brew and AG Starter
We go to a "Blind Mice" brew at the home of Casey from Siloam Springs to brew up a big beer. Also, Casey shows us how to use a French press coffee maker to make a starter out of all grain.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

December 1, 2005 - John Palmer on All Grain Pt. 2
We continue talking to John Palmer, author of How to Brew about brewing with all grain. This week, we go from lautering to sparging and go on to talk a bit about pH in brewing.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

November 24, 2005 - John Palmer on All Grain Pt. 1
John Palmer, author of How to Brew joins us to talk about all grain brewing. In the first half of our conversation, we cover milling to mashing. We also talk about the reasons an extract brewer might want to make the jump to all grain.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

November 17, 2005 - Hard Beers and Extract Advice
Chris Colby from Brew Your Own magazine gives us his top ten list of difficult beers to brew at home. Also, Bob Hansen from Briess Malt and Ingredients Company gives us tips on getting the most out of an extract brew.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

November 10, 2005 - David Logsdon of Wyeast Pt. 3
In the third and final part of our interview with Dave Logsdon of Wyeast, he answers listener questions about yeast. Also, we read questions and answers about yeast that came in after the interview was recorded. And . . . T-shirts!

iTunes | Streaming mp3

November 3, 2005 - David Logsdon of Wyeast Pt. 2
We answer listener questions in this second part of our chat with Dave Logsdon of Wyeast.
Also mentioned:

Poor Richard's Ale homebrewing recipe (No longer available)
Wyeast yeast washing instructions (No longer available)

iTunes | Streaming mp3

October 27, 2005 - David Logsdon of Wyeast Pt. 1
This week, we start our three-part interview about yeast with Dave Logsdon of Wyeast. We talk to Dave about the history of Wyeast and cover primary vs. secondary fermentation and how yeast works in the fermentation process.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

October 20, 2005 - Kegging Your Beer
So, you're tired of cleaning and filling all those beer bottles? Then it may be time to start kegging. In this episode, Andy Sparks joing us to show us how.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

October 13, 2005 - GABF Coverage with Andy Sparks - Pt. 2
We complete our coverage of the Great American Beer Festival by talking to Vinnie Cilurzo of Russian River brewing about American Wild Ales, David Myers of Redstone Meadery about mead, and Ray Daniels of the Brewers Association about Poor Richard's Ale.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

October 6, 2005 - GABF Coverage with Andy Sparks - Pt. 1
We begin our coverage of the Great American Beer Festival with a discussion about how professionals evaluate hops, our overview from the festival, and a look behind the scenes of Utopias from Samuel Adams. Also, we get lots of input and advice from our listeners.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

September 29, 2005 - Science of Taste with Scott Herness
Dr. Scott Herness talks with us about the science of taste. What role do taste buds, the nose, the eyes, and other sensors have to do with how we perceive taste and flavor? Also, we read viewer mail, including a letter from a listener wanting advice on what piece of gear to buy next. Also mentioned: Got Mead.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

September 22, 2005 - Great American Beer Festival Preview
Gary Glass from the Brewers Association tells us about the Great American Beer Festival coming up in Denver on September 29th. Also, we read listener input on our sanitation show and answer questions about brewing. Also mentioned: the Beer Judge Certification Program.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

September 15, 2005 - Sanitation with Steve Wilkes
Finally, we have our sanitation (sanitization?) show. We join Steve Wilkes on his deck to discuss sanitizing our brewing equipment and to go over input from our listeners.

Mead Info:
The Mead Maker's Page
Mead Made Easy

Other links:
Don Osborn's site
Five Star Chemicals

iTunes | Streaming mp3

September 8, 2005 - Gerard Lemmens on Using Hops
We continue our chat with Gerard Lemmens of Brewers Supply Group, who has a long history in the brewing industry - including brewing with Heineken and Bass. Gerard gives us tips this week on using hops at home in brewing beer.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

September 1, 2005 - Talking Hops with Gerard Lemmens
Gerard Lemmens of Brewers Supply Group, who has a long history in the brewing industry - including brewing with Heineken and Bass, joins us to talk about hops and trends in the hop industry.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

August 25, 2005 - Making Malt Extract with Bob Hansen

We continue our talk with Bob Hansen of Briess Malt & Ingredients Company as he explains how malt extract is made. Also, Bob gives us tips on buying extract and keeping it fresh. And, we have a challenge for our listeners to help out a fellow home brewer.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

August 18, 2005 - Bob Hansen on the Malting Process

Bob Hansen, technical services manager of Briess Malt & Ingredients Company walks us through the malting process and tells us what it takes to get raw grain ready for brewing. We also talk about specialty malt and how their flavors are developed.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

August 11, 2005 - AHA and "Going Pro"

We have the second part of our interview with Paul Gatza, director of the Brewers Association. Paul talks about the American Homebrewers Association and brewing in the USA. Also, we hear a story about a homebrewer who decided to go pro.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

August 4, 2005 - Mead Day with Paul Gatza & Steve Wilkes

We talk to Paul Gatza, director of the Brewers Association about National Mead Day, which is Saturday, August 6th. We discuss the official recipe, how to prepare mead, and a bit of its history. Also, we sip homemade mead with Steve Wilkes and talk about how to enjoy it.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

July 28, 2005 - Brewing Basics with Andy (conclusion)

We conclude our conversation with Andy Sparks, owner of The Home Brewery in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We talk mostly about hops. Also in this episode, we unveil a special offer for BBR listeners and look forward to National Mead Day.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

July 21, 2005 - Brewing Basics with Andy (cont'd)

We continue our conversation with Andy Sparks, owner of The Home Brewery in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We talk about the nuts and bolts of home brewing, ales vs. lagers, and more. We also open the mail bag.

iTunes | Streaming mp3

July 14, 2005 - Brewing Basics with Andy Sparks

We begin our great adventure in podcasting with Andy Sparks, owner of The Home Brewery in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Andy gives us some background on home brewing and looks at some of the most common questions and misconceptions about home brewing.

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Archived Episodes:  20252024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005